Whether we realize it or not, we all personally affect the environment that we live in. Our day to day activities have an impact on the environment some examples include the energy efficiency of an individual’s household to the type of vehicle one chooses to drive. Dictionary defines carbon footprint as the amount of carbon-containing greenhouse gases released into the environment by an activity, process, individual, or group, expressed usually as the equivalent in kilograms of carbon dioxide (Dictionary.com). Until very recently, most people had never heard of a “carbon footprint.” Now, all of a sudden, the phrase is hard to avoid. In an age of slick slogans, fast fashions and fickle fads it’s easy to assume that this is just another quirky passing gimmick. But it could well be the most important concept of our time. Everyone must be mindful of this carbon footprint that we’re all leaving on our Earth. Working to reduce our carbon footprints can greatly affect the world around us for the better. Throughout this paper I will be analyzing my personal carbon footprint and what I can do to change my impact on the environment. After calculating my carbon footprint on The Nature Conservancy website, I was surprised that my total greenhouse gas emission was still under the U.S. average of 27 Tons of CO2 eq/year. My carbon footprint was equal to 21 tons of CO2 eq/year, which includes a total of three people living within my household. When comparing my behavior breakdown with the U.S. average behavior breakdown, the driving/flying aspect of the calculator impacted my overall carbon footprint the greatest at 53%, which is 9% higher than the U.S. average. Climate is a contributing factor when it comes to energy efficiency for an individual’s household. Being a resident of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan means that you must deal with the elements of winter. My home energy was still nearly 10% below the average for American households. One way our household reduces carbon emission is by choosing to use compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) also known by the name of energy-efficient lightbulbs. Compared to traditional incandescents, energy-efficient lightbulbs typically use about 25%-80%