Journal Entry #1 (Chapter #23) [Facebook. A Social Media Disease] "Facebook and other forms of online communication make the problem worse"(Tarshis 595) It is important to know that in nowadays world with all the social media and technologies being involved in our lives, human being no longer uses their common sense as they used to back in the days. As sad as it may seem, but it is a factor. With smart phones or the latest technology correcting our grammar, young generations including adults spending a lot of time on social media or on their devices leaves no space or time open for actual live interaction amongst each other. "You don't see the impact of what you write" (Tarshis 595) author quotes one of the associate's in her article. With that being said often times being behind the screen make you want to do irrational decisions such as writing a mean comment without even thinking about the consequences. "One of the most important ways in which we communicate with each other is through subtle emotional signals" "So does this mean that Facebook is all about hurt feelings and wounded egos?" " Not at all. The online world has powerful benefits, especially for kids who find it hard to make friends at school" (Tarshis 595) I couldn't agree more with the second statement. It is very debatable. Since majority of the people tend to use it on daily basis and social does have it's own benefits. Such as bringing long lost relationships back, gathering people by creating events and sharing photos and personal updates and overall staying in touch with long distant connections whether with former classmate or relative overseas. Facebook has a positive impact in some people's life. I slightly disagree with an author. Certain statements were not clear to me. I felt like Tarshis is contradicting herself. One moment she makes Facebook being harmful and very bad influential in those children's lives. And later, she makes a statement "The online world