
Killings by Richard Strout

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In the short story “Killings” Richard Strout kills Matt Fowler youngest son Frank, who is only 28 at the time. Richard shot Frank at point blank range, in front of Richards’s kids, in an act of love, jealousy, and anger because Frank was dating his estranged wife Mary. In the story Richard is portrayed as having no remorse for what he has done to Frank, and his actions were justified because Frank "was making it with my wife." Richard attempts to again justify by noting the sentence that will be handed down to him stating, “I’ll do 20 years, Mr. Fowler, I’ll be 46 years old” ( ). Matt replies to this statement with “ that’s 9 years younger than I am now” ( ), giving the impression that 20 years in not nearly enough of a sentence for killing his youngest son. Thomas Kennedy asserts that Richard Strout’s suffering is not the same type as what Matt Fowler went through following the murder of his son Frank. After reading the story I agree with the writers perspective, and find that Strouts act of passion will cause him to suffer a prison sentence for the crime, but Fowler suffers the pain of losing his child as well as facing the daily reminder that the killer will face a much lesser judgement. In the end of the story Matt, with the assistance of a family member, kills Richard. The author does not portray Matt as a vicious murderer but more as a man saving his family any further painful reminders of his son’s death. I agree with his perspective as he demonstrates Matt’s morals, and noting his struggle with the fact that he does not want to truly kill Richard for revenge, only to take away the daily reminder of what he has gotten away with in their eyes. Matt grieves for his son who can no longer walk the earth or be with his beloved family and friends. Matt is angry and outraged knowing his sons killer will be walking the earth after a short 20 years, possibly less, prison sentence, and is angry that Richard appe

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