
Poetry Comparison Essay

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The poems both are related through the two main points of freedom and social injustice. The two poems are Caged Bird by Maya Angelou and Song to the Men of England by Percy Shelley. In Caged Bird it shows the theme of freedom while in Song to the Men of England it shows the theme of more the ignorance of the higher classes. Angelou and Shelly both express the the techniques of metaphors through the use of the animal kingdom and is done very well to represent that situation in history between the social classes and the black and white races. Both poems Caged Bird and Song to the Men of England uses techniques such as metaphors and symbols that express same idea of social injustice but are used in a different ways such as racial discrimination and the different social classes. Angelou in respect to what she uses as an example to describe social injustice uses animals as symbols very much like Shelley. Angelou uses the idea of a free bird and a caged bird. This would be used as the free bird representing the superior white race at the time in comparison to the caged bird as the black race. We know this from when she says “his wings are clipped and his feet are tied” (Stanza 2 Lines 5-6). This would represent torture and a lack of freedom because unlike the free bird this caged bird is deprived of its wings and the ability to fly. For Shelley he has used the idea of the system in a bee hive. We are made aware of his idea when he says "Wherefore, Bees of England, forge many a weapon, chain, and scourge, that these stingless drones may spoil”. This shows how the worker bees are seen as more important that the drones. The worker bees are the ones doing the hard labor and the drones take it all. The effect this causes is mass inequality and suffering for those who work so hard and get absolutely nothing in return. The way in which both poets have used the animal kingdom or mother nature is similar but they both use very different ideas

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