"Social Media is about sociology and psychology more than technology" (Brian Solis, 2012). Media has become universal, it is a common use of communication within today's society. Media is a way for people to stay in touch with individuals from around the world, keeping people up to date on what is occurring, as well as informing individuals on what is going on throughout the world and different countries. There are many forms of media such as; the internet, which is available through devices such as the television, a computer, and a cell phone. Media plays a crucial part in today's society and is only expanding as time allows. Media has become so dependent for the younger generation in today's society that they have been known to become powerless towards it and vulnerable to what they are told and thus forth begin to believe easier than older adults. Adolescents who pay attention to what is being shown through the media seem to often start believing what they hear and see, creating a concept of what they see as society's norms and expectations, and thus believing they should intern act and look this way. Media affects all aspects of youths lives, from how they should behave, how they should look and what they should wear and own. Often it is hard to see the effects that the media has on youth because it is seen as normal, only because all youth are trying to copy the same set of standards they seen in the media that they are afraid to stand out or be different. The influence of the media in today's society is obstructing youth from acknowledging social acceptance and well-being by presenting them with self misinterpretations as seen in a feminist and symbolic interactionism viewpoint. Sexuality Within the media it is noticed that youth are acting as adults from a much younger age. This is commonly seen of television when young adolescents are more sexualized and expected to be more knowledgeable on adult topics. Old television shows such as Full House or Saved by the Bell are unlike any show today, during that period it was rare to see any sort of cleavage, skirts above the knee were not common. In today's society it is much different, fashion has it's diversity but is almost all common in terms of short length, more cleavage and a lot more skin, children are being raised to view this as a societal norm and having to grasp the sexual concepts at a much younger age. Throughout the article by Jane D Brown "Mass Media on Sexuality" she depicts the notion of why there is an increase of sexual context and sex itself on television. She found that "Depiction of intercourse (suggestive or explicit) occurred in one of every 10 programs" (Brown, J., 2002). Children spend on average 30 hours per week watching television (Boyse, K., 2010) this allows them a large viewpoint into sexuality. Within Brown's article she notes that the media portrays sexual intercourse between a male and a female as a common interaction method. She also noted that it is not common to see a program represent a married couple or relationship of people who are full heartedly committed to their partner(Brown, J., 2002). Television programs represent sex as a form of entertainment when you need to just have a good night out, between individuals who have just met, or people who are having sex with numbers of others to heighten their 'kill count', sex is seen as a game and or a joke to today's youth, who may not know the common forms of sex or relationships. This can cause the youth to believe that these forms of sex are society's norms and that they are meant to behave in such a way. This idea that it is a social norm will have kids believe that they should be exploring and entering sexual activity at a younger and younger age (NCTSN, 2009). The television is not the only place seen to promote a false reality on sexuality but the internet is also a common source of information on the topic. The internet makes looking up the topic of sex easy with many sources available to all youth. It is noted that Google's most searched word happen