
Crime Scene Investigations

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First responder Summer discovered a body in a residential garage that was opened and visible from the street. You, as the crime scene investigator, are told by Detectives Smith and Jones, with various evidence that contributed to their hypothesis, that a suspect had fled the scene of the crime by fleeing across the backyard and over a wooden fence. A damp, torn piece of cloth was visible at the top of the wooden fence. On the other side of the fence (in a neighbor*s back yard) was a shiny object lying under a shrub at the right-hand corner of the house. After back-up help was summoned, a house-to-house search was initiated at 11:42 am to apprehend the suspect. You and your team had arrived on the scene at 11:52 am, the shiny object (a Smith and Wesson .357 magnum, 6-shot revolver) was retrieved from under the neighbor*s backyard shrub. One spent cartridge casing was found in the cylinder and the revolver*s serial number had been filed off with a metal file. A good set of latent fingerprints was found on the barrel of the revolver and a partial latent print on the cartridge casing. The torn piece of damp cloth was placed into a paper bag, sealed with evidence tape, labeled properly and sent to the crime lab for analysis. The victim*s blood was collected in a test tube containing an anti-coagulant. Blood was discovered on the garage floor between the victim and the front door of the garage and in a “V” shaped pattern originating at the feet of the victim and expanding outward toward the front garage door. Blood was also discovered under the fingernails of the left hand of the victim. All collected blood samples were marked, sealed, and sent to the medical lab for analysis. Latent fingerprints were found on the rear garage door and on the rear garage window and window sill. The revolver was labeled and placed in a sealed paper bag and sent to the crime lab for analysis. A request was conducted through the phone company and the name

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