Correctional institutions are faced with a myriad of challenges, a number of this directly affect correctional officers while they are in the course of their duties. The following are critical issues that affect office safety in the corrections department; a) Budget cuts or inadequate funding directly affects every part of government, budget cuts and underfunding for the correctional facilities mean that the corrections facilities do not have enough money to invest in new technological equipment’s such as cameras and video recorders. Presently, video security systems have advanced to include additional features that may help a corrections officer to identify a potential threat and cause for alarm with increased clarity. When a corrections officer is alone in the facility to improve his safety and the institution at large a corrections officer should be equipped with modern digital cameras and video recorders that can allow an officer to stream live from one workstation from anywhere in the facility. With such technological aids an officer can singlehandedly man a correction facility. This can only be guaranteed by adequate funding for such institutions. A systematic upgrade of existing analog cameras to digital models complete with a digital conversion of the analog signal to digital signal. b) Shortage of staff and morale is an issue that greatly impacts morale of corrections officers. An interview conducted by Oklahoma Watch interviewed seven current or recently employed guards, corrections officials and director of Oklahoma Corrections Professionals. The question was on the conditions of the penitentiary and it was found by Sean Wallace that the number of issues that affect the facility applied to other prisons as well. While referring to staff shortages Wallace says that there is a great staffing shortage that required urgent resolving and that it was a real safety threat to officers and to the inmates. Donnie Dycus, Of McAleste