?Stress is a ubiquitous part of everyday life. There is no way to avoid stress but you can learn to manage it. Stress can be caused through distinct ways and distinct reasons such as personal problems, social and job issues, post-traumatic stress and so on. You may have headache, feeling anxiety and depression, and easily irritated if did not handle stress well. Reduce stress in daily life is important to keep overall health since it will let you to have better frame of mind, enhance immunity and longevity so you can be more productive. You should cast off stress in order to concentrate on work, study and enjoy the life. There are various ways to cope with stress such as you can reduce stress by maintain positive thinking, have a healthy lifestyle and listen to music. One of the way to reduce stress is by maintaining positive thinking in daily life. Positive thinking is you are thinking the best is going to happen instead of the worst and deal with unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. Those who are suffering with life stresses is encourage to have a network of friends and family on whom you can rely on. Family and friends are the one who make you to feel appreciated, valued, confident and encourage you to become best possible self. When you spend time with people who are positive forces in your life, they will give helpful advice and feedback which will help in gaining positive support and transform to become a positive thinker where you able to come out from depression. Besides, try to avoid with those who are negative thinking and make you feel inadequate as they will only be a stress maker instead of being supportive and make a doubt on managing stress level in healthy ways. On the other hand, laughter can be act as a mechanism to cope level of stress. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen, stimulates hearts, muscles and lungs, and releases endorphins which will release your mood. For those who are suffering wit