William Shakespeare once wrote, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Some may beg to differ. One of the few things a person can claim as their own, is their name. Changing a person's name without their consent can be painful and most of all disrespectful. While a person is not fully defined by their names, it is a distinctive and salient aspect of who they are. Although words cannot break bones, they undoubtedly still can be hurtful when used recklessly and without regard. In Maya Angelou’s “My Name is Margaret”, Identity especially name becomes a thing that crucial. The story that mainly focus on Margaret’s experiences when working on a white woman’s house, has a really crucial issue about identity. Someone would do anything to take back their identity, to make other respect them. In this short story, the changing of one's name without their agreement is an apparent sign of disrespect. In Margaret's case, it happened to be another indication of blatant racism by Mrs. Cullinan. In the narrative techniques, "My Name is Margaret" uses internal focalisation, where Margaret become the narrator and focal focus in this story. Margaret is the name of this short story writer, Maya Angelou. Her Actual name is Marguerite Annie Johnson, that’s why in the story Margaret said “.....couldn’t even pronounce my name correctly.” when Mrs. Cullinan told her guest that “She doesn’t talk much. Her name’s Margaret when she asked about what her slaves name. Other evidence that indicates Margaret character is Maya Angelou, is the presence of Bailey which is actually the older brother of Maya Angelou. Recount story presented by Maya Angelou that also known as Margaret in this story gives a significant impact in the development of the plot. From the perspective of Margaret, who was a 10-year-old black girl, we could know how a black person has a prejudice against white people. From the whole story and Margaret prejudice against white people, we can conclude that focalization technique that is used is Fixed Internal Focalisation because the events are focalised only with one perspective, it is Margaret perspective. Changes in the name of Margaret (Marguerite) turned out to have occurred before the guest of Mrs. Cullinan suggest her to call Margaret as Mary.The name of Margaret itself is a change of Marguerite that mispronounce. In this case, Margaret seems to be okay with the change of her name from Marguerite to Margaret, maybe because it’s still similar. But when Mrs. Cullinan called her as Mary, “(she) fumed into the kitchen”. Name is the one of the thing that people can claimed, in the era of this short story was taken, name can be the only thing that black people can claim. That’s why, Margaret fumed when white people try to change her name because of their convenience. Margaret just fine with the mispronounce, but when it comes to change by shortening her name, it’s a different case. Margaret told about white people’s superiority over the black by presenting the power of changing one’s identity for other’s convenience. In fact, more than that, the superiority shown in this story include when Mr.Cullinan did not provide an opportunity for Margaret to answer the questions given by the guests, when she asked her name, but directly answer it “She doesn’t talk much. Her name’s Margaret.” Not only to Margaret, Mrs.Cullinan also change the name of Miss Glory. Miss Glory was named Hallelujah by her mother, then Mrs. Cullinan super