Today I will be writing about a topic that is very misunderstood in a lot of ways to me at least. The topic is rudeness which is being impolite to someone or disrespectful in some ways. Rudeness goes a lot of ways I have to be able to analyze every point of the situation. Because without doing that I will misunderstand a lot of peoples bad struggles or bad news for rudeness. I think of it more as a cold that everybody catches depending on how their day started off. The first reason I say that rudeness is misunderstood because you have to analyze and look at all the point of the views. Before I start to judge people actions as rudeness. I never know what that person is going through. Earlier that day something bad could’ve happen to him or her. For example one day I just got bad news my grandpa had died. I went to school with so much rage I was being rude to the teachers and not even caring. Another thing that causes rudeness in life to other people depends where he or she came up from. For example I was taught that you be rude to people if they disrespect you. But my brother who lived with his father grew up and was taught if people are rude to him just isolate himself from the source of the situation. (Martin) Next I say this because if someone’s rude to me or you. Are you going to be rude back? That is wrong, this notion of rudeness is getting contagious. It takes our responsibility away from us. I say that because think about the time we spend being rude to someone. Me or you can use that good time and store it into something positive. I believe that some people will go to jail behind someone being rude to them. Every day it happens just by something as stepping on someone shoes. It was a rainy day in Titusville, Florida and I went to the fair. While I was at the fair with my two cousin’s. My cousin accidentally stepped on someone shoes and the dude pulled out a gun and shot my cousin two times in the rib. Just because he felt