Would you rather the romantic side of war or the realistic side? Tennyson, Owen and Binyon give the reader both in 4 separate poems. In the poems, ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, ‘For the Fallen’, ‘The Anthem for the Doomed Youth’ and ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’, the poets give their opinion about on war. They succeed by using different techniques in the poem. Rhythm, Rhyme, Alliteration, Assonance, Personification, Simile, Metaphor, Symbolism, Imagery are addressed to promote the poet’s opinions and their messages In the 1900’s people went to war to protect their country. Thinking that instead of down their mother country, they could actually volunteer to protect their mother country. Some of the poets wrote these poems while they were at war. They did so to pass their time and to let out their emotions and to paint pictures of their surroundings in the reader’s mind. In the Charge of the light brigade, words like ‘death’, ‘guns’, ‘die’, ‘cannons’ and ‘hell’ start off the tragic tone of the poem.. In this poem, imagery is portrayed by the use of scenes like ‘the valley of death’, ‘Jaws of Death’, ‘Mouth of Hell’ and ‘the light brigade’. The scene of the valley of death is the first image that the reader gets painted in their mind. When the readers imagines the valley of death, the reader gets a picture of an old dusty land with fire and dark sky. Kind of like if the poet is trying to say hell but in different words. Personification is also used in the Charge of the Light Brigade. Personification is when something that is non-human is given to human characteristics. The poet turns death in a kind of a character because the poet refers to it repetitively in this poem. This is also because the poet capitalises the word ‘Death’ every time he uses it. Another example of personification is from the ‘jaws of Death’. Tennyson comes back to the image of death again but by changin