In the short story, What You Pawn I Will Redeem, by Sherman Alexie, presents some argumentative questions. Jackson Jackson’s (JJ) mission to get the nine hundred and ninety nine dollars, in his condition is next to impossible. His condition meaning that he is broke, does not have a job, and is homeless. He does not have the same luxuries that a normal person has such as getting a loan. With me saying all of this, my first argument is did JJ do the best he could, given his situation, to get his grandmothers regalia back? He obviously had worked harder than he had in a long time for something he wanted. It seemed to me like he did not do everything he could. Yes, he did give good effort but that was not going to get him nine hundred and ninety nine dollars. If his grandmothers regalia means so much to him then he should not have spent his money on other people. In total, JJ was given two hundred and ten dollars and took one dollars and fifty cents from his friend’s socks. That is two hundred eleven dollars and fifty cents that he got within twenty-four hours. He was given fifty dollars in newspapers and threw forty five away. He just gave up on selling them and only tried for an hour. You would think if he asked for one thousand four hundred and thirty papers from Big Boss in the first place, he should not have a problem having the motivation to sell fifty papers that were given to him. He also does not help himself out when he wins the scratch off lottery ticket and just completely blows it. He first gives Mary twenty dollars for no reason other than “it is an Indian thing”. (Alexie, 1440) Then just completely is stupid in my opinion by going straight to the bar and buys eighty dollars in shots right off the bat. I do not get how someone is trying to get something they will do anything for to get back, can just walk up to a bar and ask how many shots can I get with the money I have. Homeless people do not just do that. They would