Safety is a major concern of people in society today, and society wants to do what makes it safest. With thousands of people having car accidents every day, people will do anything in order to prevent these accidents. Certain factors such as using cell phones, being distracted by family members, and the driver’s age all can cause accidents. The use of cell phones has become an everyday part of our lives, but when these phones distract us from driving, and eventually causes some accidents, these phones must be banned from being used while driving. The danger of a person driving while talking on a cell phone is undermined, and people do not realize the repercussions of their actions. Source B describes a study that was done by the University of Utah, in which the researching psychologists found that “people are as impaired when they drive and talk on a cell phone as they are when they drive intoxicated at the legal blood-alcohol limit.” This suggests that a driver talking on a cell phone is just as dangerous as a driver who is under the influence of alcohol, and driving whilst intoxicated has been made illegal many years ago. Society knows about the dangers of drunken driving, and how serious of an issue it is, and Source B proves that talking on a cell phone while driving is just as bad as an act made illegal many years prior. If driving while under the influence was banned a long time ago, and driving while using a cell phone has been proven to be just as dangerous, why is using a cell phone while driving legal? Cell phone use in vehicles need to be banned, in order for people to understand the danger and realize the consequences of utilizing a cell phone while operating a vehicle. In many accidents, many factors lead up to the crash, and by outlawing even just one of these factors, many lives can be saved. As shown in Source C, cell phone use has caused many accidents, even if it is a small fraction of the total amount of accide