In The United States it is evident that there is a serious and ongoing issue that needs to be addressed. This matter has hindered our country since its beginning, and it has yet to be changed. The issue I speak of is violence. Violence is any act of aggression and/or abuse that causes or intends to cause injury or emotional distress. (1) This is something that occurs in our country at alarming rates, and yet it is looked upon so lightly by our people. In fact it occurs so frequently, that according to the data collected by The World Health Organization, in 2006 at least 400,000 people were killed due to violent acts. (2.WHO) It is also said, that an estimated 191,000,000 people have been killed in the 20th century. This is truly a depressing thought, because these acts not only affect the people that are deceased, they affect their families and friends as well. I believe that we can prevent this by happening, by changing how we behave as individuals. A thought that might come to mind, is how would I help this country by changing my behavior? I am only one person. My answer comes from a quote by Mahatma Gandhi. He says,” You must be the change you want to see in the world.” (3) This basically means that if we want to see a change, it has to start with us. I believe that we can do this by the means of: showing more compassion, showing more consideration, and be more willing to compromise. By showing more compassion, we can better comprehend how our actions affect other people. This in turn, causes us to reflect on how they are feeling and puts us in their shoes. This is needed because in order to fully understand someone, you have to know what they have experienced. This might also help you to empathize with their situation, and together, you can reach a solution. Mason Cooley made an interesting point on compassion when he said, “Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves.” (4) Basically meaning: t