Abstract God has provided us with a road map of His expectations regarding finances. In fact, money is one of the most discussed topics in the bible. Our Holy Father communicates specific instructions for all of us to follow, and He provides principals for us to live by, concerning money and finances. God loves us so much, that He leaves us with His faithful promises to hold close to our hearts. The key to bringing these biblical principles to life in all of hearts and lives begins with the understanding of God’s intentions of stewardship for our lives. We have to understand that nothing we possess belongs to us, it in fact belongs to God. Anything we have, belongs to God. He has trusted us to manage what is His. Our faithfulness and obedience is crucial to finding any form of success in financial management. The greater reward of contentment in life that we will be given. Looking in to the Mirror of Finance Currently, my own financial situation is a bit of a mess. After calculating my own net worth in another exercise, I learned that when comparing my debt and income my current net worth is -$27,907. In addition to this devastating conclusion, my cash flow worksheet reveals more of the poor stewardship in my life. Our family has an annual spending amount of $68,930 with a projected annual income of $42,332. This is obviously a problem, as we are spending beyond our means. Obviously, we are in great need of change. I believe that God has placed me in to this class, at this time. I am also positive that I am on my way to finding freedom from the mess we have made in our lives. This “mess,” is a direct result of not keeping God at the center of our finances and disobeying God’s word, and being proper managers of the resources He entrusted to us. There is no time like the present to set things right and get out of the way and allow God’s perfect plan for my family to unfold (Blue, R.). As mentioned above, the biblical view of money is all through-out the bible. There is a lot of focus on the results of greed, or the love of money, in