Opportunity doesn’t knock twice in a man’s life. Make use of it to the fullest as you never know when you will get lucky next. Make yourself free of all the inhibitions lay yourself out the first instance as life will never give a second chance. Be free live life to the fullest, Future is in your hand. Only you have the power to make it into a successful past. Whatever you feel do it now as time will not turn its hands for you. What has happened has happened forget the past live the present and plan the future. Only then you will live and die a happy life. The class on Intercultural Awareness in Business was an opportunity. If one would have missed it one would have missed a great deal about himself. Thanks to Banu for Intercultural Awareness in Business class. I came to know a lot about myself. Culture is the collective programming of the mind, which distinguishes the members of one human group from another. (G. Hofstede). We understood its true meaning through various slides and activities. The main objective of understanding culture is to increase awareness of your own values and cultural influences also trust building and cultures’ effect on the same more so it creates us more aware of living in foreign land and cross cultural adaptation. We learnt a great deal about different types of personalities that are present in people of different cultures and how one can avoid being misunderstood. The very important activity that took place in the class was of Trust Building. Different people of nationalities were paired and one of the people was blindfolded while the other was asked to fall with an assurance that the other would catch him. This was an important step in inculcating trust building instinct in one another. While we all will be working in different countries and would be paired up with people from different cultures it is very important to trust the other person. Without trust it would be failure of the project and also the individuals. Another thing that we learned that Culture is like an Ice Berg it has a visible layer and a invisible layer. We might feel that by adapting the eating/greeting styles and also certain non verbal cues which are visible and understood. This is not the end of cultural understanding. There is a deeper meaning to Cultural Understanding that is the hidden layer of the Ice Berg which contains parts like Perception, Expectation, Norms, Values, Assumption. If one could have a cle