As humans we have been developing the habit to eat more and more each time, the bad part of this is that each time we get served food we don’t really care where it comes from which is making us forget ethics. When we eat meat we don’t think about where it comes from, meat comes from a living organism that had to through extreme pain just so we can eat them. Not only it is unfair for us to kill animals, being vegetarian has been proven to help us be healthier and also help out environment. Eating meat isn’t ethical because we are killing innocent animals just so we can satisfy our desires. Eating meat isn’t the only problem “The problem really isn’t meat, but too much meat” (Fraser 688) .Eating a lot of meat has a consequence, the killing of a lot of animals. The question that arises to me when I think about this is: What if we are killing so many animals that there will be none left soon? Each time we are more and more people in the planet but each time the number of animals is decreasing, if this continuous we will have no meat to eat. Our society has been trying to clone animals so that we never run out of animals, which is something we should all be against because if we allow the cloning of animals someday someone will use it with a negative purpose. In the USA only “1 percent of Americans are vegans, eating no animal product at all.” (Fraser 686). In our current society being a vegan is viewed as something that only women do and it is rare to see men that are vegan. A lot of people don’t know what veganism is because in our society meat is so important that we can’t imagine a life without meat. Veganism shouldn’t be viewed as a bad thing, there is actually a lot of health benefits that we get by being a vegan. Some health benefits of being a vegan are lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. There is many people that support the idea that eating meat isn’t bad and it is ethical. There is no do