
History and Technology

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Technology is ever changing, and moving faster then most people can keep up with. Even though technology seems to only have been such an influence in our lives as of lately, many do not realize technology is more than microchips and electricity. Technology dates back to early man, with the wheel, and progressively moving on to items such as the bow, and gun. The advancement of technology today is all part of the domino effect that started in the 18th century. Technology would not be where it is today without an idea influenced by the English and Dutch settlers, this idea was added to Article I, Section 8, of the United States Constitution which authorized Congress to promote the progress of science and arts by granting patents to those who created techniques and ideas, all predating the industrial revolution. A little information over the ideas and functionality behind patents is provided below from the World Intellectual Property Organization. “One of the rationales for patents is that they stimulate economic and technological development and promote competition by creating a financial motivation for invention in return for the disclosure of the invention to the public... In view of the rapid technological innovation and the social and economic challenges, the function, value and impact of the patent system need to be constantly adjusted and implemented so that the optimal balance between the right holder, new entrants to the market and the public at large is achieved. In order to foster R&D in new technologies, such as information and communication technologies and biotechnology, the patent system needs to be shaped so as to swiftly and strategically respond to the challenges arising from those new technologies... One of the major functions of the patent system is the dissemination of technical information. Patent information is a valuable and comprehensive source of technical, commercial and legal information that can be used directly for scientific and experimental purposes and as a basis for stimulating the adaptation and improvement of the technology described in patent documents immediately after their publication. Recognizing the importance of the dissemination of technical information, a growing number of IP offices and organizations are using the Internet to offer access to their patent documents' databases.” Since their first introduction in the constitution, patents have been a controversial subject. More so today than in the past. We now have groups of people who patent ideas simply to bring revenue from other companies using these ideas. Day in a day out I see consistant articles of corporations suing corporations over patent infringement, largely in the telecommunications business where technology is growing faster than the government can adapt. Though, the founding fathers did have a plan in place when they implemented the sys

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