?A close examination of, “Scarlet Ibis,” by James Hurst, and, “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings,” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez reveals a variety of differences in style and choice, yet they both deliver a similar theme, and meaning. The style used by Garcia Marquez is a magical realism meaning that he uses magical objects and incorporates them into daily life. The style used by James Hurst is a Narrative, and although both are fairly different they yield to the same outcome. The choices the author makes are also developed differently, for example they both use different word choice, and moreover they chose a different point of view for each story. Although there are various differences in the stories, the theme for one and the other are interchangeable being that people often mistreat outsiders, or whoever is not like them. The style that is used by the authors are very different one being magical realism, which while encompassing a range of subtly different concepts, share in common an acceptance of magic in the rational world. He portrays an angel as something common in the daily life of people. It is rendered normal but unaccepted by men. Hurst takes on a different approach, he creates a narrative in which he utilizes flashbacks to intensify the intrigue into the stories tragical ending. However, even with different styles both stories are able to come across with the same theme, and they both reveal the same description amongst one character. The choices the authors take are also very different. First of all the endings, Garcia Marquez chooses to incorporate a happy and satisfying ending to his story, while Hurst chose to end his with an unexpected tragedy. The point of view for each story is also different. For Garcia Marquez it is a third person, Omniscient an all-knowing narrator who not only reports the facts but may also interpret events and relate the thoughts and feelings of any character. Hurst, chooses a different a