Leaders are put in place to establish order. Many people view their leader as a spiritual being of ultimate power. But the question is, why are people in need of someone to guide them? To compose a, “Cosmogony,’’ is to describe the transitions of the worlds beauty and establishment of order. The early texts of surviving literature gives people an idea of how human beings in premodern civilizations tried to make sense a higher power. The earths creation, having one god or multiple gods, and the existence of evil will all be introduced from the view points of the Hebrew bible as well as Greek mythology. The ultimate goal is to identify the fact that both Greeks and Hebrews believe in the same higher power in some way. There is a God, but of course simply saying that there is a God cannot prove that a God exists. For those who generate there beliefs from the Hebrew bible gain their faith in god through his son, Jesus Christ, who walked the earth in the flesh of God. Christians claim relations with God through Jesus Christ, who was also acknowledged in the four gospels of the New Testament. Although the name Jesus was not written in the four gospels, Mathew, Luke, Mark, and John, the writers of the four gospels, knew that a messiah was soon to come. A messiah is the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible. Mary, also referred to as the, “Virgin Mary,” was the carrier of the Messiah. Mary conceived Jesus by the holy spirit of god. Many can relate this story to the story of the Greek god Zeus, who was the father of Hercules. Zeus had relations with Hera who was a mortal woman just as Mary was, and consumed a child of power known as Hercules. Christians adopted the beliefs and traditions of the Hebrew bible. They believe in God mainly because of the stories told in their bible, Hebrew followers also had to have faith that the word of the bible was indeed interpreted as the truth. Many often wonder where the world came from, or how it was created. There are urban legends all over the world that explains the creation of the earth. These stories are told to help people define their place in the universe, embedding the specific of one human culture within a wider pattern (Norton 23). In the Hebrew Creation Narrative it says, God took six days to create the earth and he rested on the seventh day. On the first day he created light. On the second day he separated the waters from the sky and called the sky heaven. On the third day he created the Earth. On the fourth day he created The sun, the moon, and the stars. On the fifth day