Before I talk about passion, it is necessary to find out what is passion. “A very strong feeling of liking something; a hobby, an activity, etc. that you like very much”, this is the definition of passion given by Oxford Learner’s Dictionary. Based on this definition, I think it’s safe to say that I have a passion of English. So the question is where is my passion come from? This article is desired to answer this question. It may sound a little crazy, but I think it all started with a lecture. That was a late autumn or early winter evening and I was in my junior of university. I was idling around the campus with my classmates after dinner and we came across an advertisement of an English lecture themed on CET-6. I was trying to pass this exam, but what frustrated me was that I had failed four times on this exam. Looking at the advertisement, I figured “well, it might give me some useful hits.” Then I decided to go for the lecture. Another incentive of my interest was that this lecture might give me a chance to see Li Yang face to face because it was organized by Crazy English. To my disappointment, I didn’t see Li Yang that evening. The lecture was presented by a very young man instead, just two or three years older than me. However, I was totally moved and inspired by this young man. His name is Leo, smart, energetic, charismatic. He shared his personal story with us during the lecture. Just like any other self-made success stories you read in a magazine, but I can tell you it’s a different story once you hear it from a person standing in front of you. I had a little chat with him after the lecture and applied his English course without any hesitation, though it was very expensive to me. I think the reason I applied his course was further than passing the exam, it’s the passion of English and eagerness of success I saw in his eyes that finally confirmed my decision. Though it was a seven day’s English camp on a sm