We know that children learn by watching and imitating others; what else do we know about their social relationships? Studies have been done for a long time on the social relationships of children, and the findings of those studies is the main topic of this paper. In order to understand the topic of social relationships, it is necessary to take a look at the history, analysis. Ethics and awareness associated with it. In order to understand social relationships, it is necessary to take a look at children and how they learn their behaviors based on those around them. When it comes to researching any type of psychological research, ethics is the most important code that should be followed when dealing with people. Ethics code is a set a rules that are necessary when research is being carried out, researchers has the moral responsible to make sure that all research participants are safe. As children develop at an early age, their social relationships are at the center of everything they do. Erikson’s theory was in order for a child to have an active nature, the child must know how to deal with a “psychosocial critical situation”. In every critical situation there is always going to be different point of views. For example “trust versus mistrust or integrity”. A critical situation in growth of a child’s traits on the positive side, however; just because a child has a good strong will doesn’t mean they should be only moving towards the positive side of things. For example in order for infants to know who to trust and not to trust, they must experience this. So having a healthy growth will require the child to have positive and negative experiences (Erikson, 2013). The main idea of Erikson’s theory is that there is fault finding in trust when it comes to developing a person’s social appeal that associates with changes in age. Erikson’s fourth stage “of industry versus inferiority” focuses on efforts to attain competence in meeting challenges that are presented by peers, parents, school, and the real world. During the stage Industry versus Inferiority children learn to play by the rules and see how things work and what things actually do, if children are encouraged to do different types of actives they will develop a sense of industry. Such as when a kid start going to school before they move on they have to be able to read and write. Erikson believes that if a child is unsuccessful in reading and writing, that child is still able to be at the same reading level as their peers, When a chil