Technology has become the center of our world. These days, we rely on the technology we have in our lives like our phones, tablets, computers etc. Not only that, but we also use technology in a scientific way to help people in our society and around the world. We use medical technology and even develop new types of technology to make our lives easier and take away burdens from it too. For example, in the novel Flowers for Algernon, medical technology is used after some scientific investigations in order to increase the I.Q of the main protagonist, Charlie Gordon, a mentally challenged adult. In the novel, Caught, the use of time travel and other technology related to that is used to restore time. Even though technology is not perfect and has flaws, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Both novels describe how technology gives society hope and optimism for a better world. Technology has played a major role in our lives and has helped us advance in our society and made our lives more simpler overtime. In the book Flowers for Algernon, the characters Dr.Strauss, Professor Nemur, and Burt Selden use medical technology to perform an operation on Charlie Gordon to increase his I.Q. The technology used to perform that operation, medical technology was used in order to use enhancements and modify Charlie's brain to take in information faster, and the same thing was done to Algernon. Even though they both started to deteriorate and eventually went back to their initial state, they both benefited a lot from the operation and Charlie learned a lot about the world around him and how people treated him, and most importantly learned many things about his past and how people treated him back then. If it wasn’t for the technology used for the operation, Charlie wouldn’t have been smart and went through these experiences. The point is that the use of technology helped Charlie learn a lot of things, and in a way, he became smart without the oper