The believing game is a concept applied in critical thinking. It allows one think widely, have a wide variety of arguing their points and listen effectively. It equips one with the ability to engage in non-adversarial discussions and stop limiting themselves to debate. Believing game is very relevant to students since it enables them to develop intellectually. It allows students find flaws and be skeptical in their discussions[ CITATION Pet73 l 1033 ]. Abortion is one of the interesting topics that can be useful in cultivating the attitude of the believing game. My stand on the issue is that “abortion should be stopped.” Life should be respected from conception no matter the circumstances at the moment. Humans have no ability to predict the impact a child will have in the world. Who knows? The child may become the greatest scientist in the world[ CITATION Pro15 l 1033 ]. The first reason against the opinion is that “fetus is incapable of experiencing pain when most abortions are carried out.” This view believes that fetus before 26 weeks doesn’t experience pain. It is because cortex has not yet developed which handles pain sensation. Most abortions take place before 26 weeks and there is no pain that is experienced by the fetus. If I were to believe in this premise, I would have noticed that most abortions take place before the age of 26 weeks and there would be no pain caused to the fetus. This idea might be correct if cortex is develops after 26 weeks and it’s the pain sensor[ CITATION Pro15 l 1033 ]. Another interesting reason is that “A baby should not come to the world unwanted. “This view is helpful since most of the mothers who carry unwanted pregnancies to term end up being depression for the better part of gestation and child up bring. It affects the outcome of the child and their future. If I were to believe in this reason, I would have noticed that it’s important to allow women to decide when they want to br