
August Comte and the Positivist Theory

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Since the beginning of time society has always dealt with the issues of crime whether it was murder, rape, theft, etc. As the world continued to modernize many scientist began to create theories on why they believed crime occurred. One extremely popular theory was the Positivist Theory. The positivist theory was originally proposed by August Comte in the mid 1800’s. It focused primarily on the use of empirical, or scientific investigation for the improvement of society. Three basic principles behind the theory were measurement, objectivity, and causality. How criminologist viewed it focused on a few other key points though. Criminologist emphasized that as positivists they had to have a consensus worldview. Viewing the theory as a deterministic model, and having faith in the scientific model it was based on. Criminological positivists wanted to focus on the criminal actor rather than the act. They also believed in rehabilitation rather than punishment when using this approach to crime. Applying the scientific method, discovering and diagnosing the sickness, and treating the individual or individuals were the key components of this theory in relation to crime. Before the positivist theory came to be there were several precursors that helped with the development of the model. Astronomy helped relate human behavior to the alignment of the stars, phrenology helped determine how intelligence related to the size and shape of the skull, and several other precursors helped with the development of the new positivist theory. The positivist theory could be split into three different categories biological its largest part, sociological, and psychological. Multiple scientists from Ernest Hooton, William Sheldon, and Robert Dugsdale studied biological positivism. Robert Dugsdale proposed that crime was hereditary; William Sheldon proposed that crime and problems at youth were connected, and Ernest Hooton proposed that physical inferiority and c

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