In today’s society the opinion on same sex marriage has evolved. There are those that are supportive of gay rights and there are those that are absolutely appalled by the thought of it. Marriage should be strictly between one man and one woman as many would say. When in reality it shouldn’t matter the genders of the couple. Love has no restrictions to it. The heart wants what the heart wants; so who are you to tell someone they can’t marry the one they love just because they are of the same gender as them? There should not be a law against same sex marriages. It should be against the law to stop people from being with the one person that makes them happy even if it’s two women or two men. In the US Constitution the first amendment states the separation of church and state. Basically, saying that the opinions of the church should not affect the decision of that of the government. Therefore the beliefs of the church and what’s considered right or against God should not have anything to do with how the law is set up. Just by stating that same sex marriage is illegal shows the clear violation of the first amendment. The church believes that marriage between two women or two men is wrong because it goes against what is said in the Bible. The fourteenth amendment shapes the natural civil right of any human being: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If a man wants to marry another man then that should be allowed, especially if that is what makes them happy. Making it illegal for them to do so goes against everything the Constitution stands for. Those that are a part of a same sex relationship get treated harshly than those that follow the so-called traditional ways of life. “Seventy-eight percent of gay (or believed to be gay) teens are teased or bullied in their schools and communities, a percentage significantly higher than for heterosexual youth” (Riese). The Declaration of Independence states within the first few words that all men are created equally. If this is to be true, why is it that homosexuals are being treated with such hatred and abus