
Appeal the Prohibition of Marijuana

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On your way home you can’t resist the feeling to unwind from a long day of work, or everyday life struggles. You can’t dabble into the well-known relaxation that cannabis provides to some people. You have school, or a career path you wish to accomplish, so you don’t want to do something that would interfere with responsibilities. I’m here to inform you that marijuana is safe. According to the CDC-Center for Disease Control, “Marijuana is one of – if not the – least toxic drug,” (Marijuana vs. Alcohol). Appealing the Prohibition of Marijuana would be a great advantage to our country. Studies show that most Americans view drinking as a voluntary decision. Consequently, some don’t realize that alcohol and other drugs can be very addictive.   There is a correlation in research that people are less susceptible to form an addictive drug habit, with use of Cannabis. Individuals are more prone to form an addictive drug forming habit on drugs such as nicotine, heroin, crack cocaine, alcohol, and amphetamines, (Marijuana Addiction). For example, a person is more likely to try Marijuana one time, and rarely will get addicted. However, an individual trying a more potent drug can instantly be addicted after their first experience with that drug. Although an individual can develop an addictive habit, it is less likely to occur, (Marijuana Addiction). For these reasons, Marijuana is considered a less of a hard drug.   Alcohol is more likely to be deadlier than Marijuana, because at the level of individual use it is the deadliest (Alford). According to the Scientific Research Society, “Alcohol is one of the most toxic drugs and using just 10 times what one would use to get the desired effect could lead to death,” (Alford). So why are we freely distributing alcohol, with no regulations on consumption, nor any warnings on the labels? The NHTSA says 10,320 drunk driving fatalities occurred in 2012, (Marijuana vs. Alcohol).

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