This is Epoch Reality that transformed my life which I can’t afford to elapsed in my memory, but inculcate inside my humanitarian attitude, moreover when the wind and cloud meet it will grumble a sounds of change in weather of the climate or change in someone life of his/her expectation prevail to the reality wish of the person perceptive, life is a mystery need oneself to devote and encourage himself to face the good, bad, and ugly of any circumstances to achieved his goals and of the future. It’s obvious an event that changes my life is “love”. I wouldn’t imagine myself falling in love to a person I see as my enemy in the society, which I didn’t regard the person as human being in terms of characters and personality in things of life. It really happened like a folktales when I felt I have lost everything in life especially love and caring. Earnestly think I can’t find a person of my taste that will love and cares for me towards my impudent mentality and cynical character that didn’t seem good to adjust, accept and cling on it without any hard feeling but humor to welcome it with happiness. However, love is blind when it intrinsic deepens into your life passionate emotional feeling that didn’t have any cure seems to be mentally sickness that has to do with passion and feelings. It’s very hard for me to say! I love you because it really come from my dare heart, life, passionate emotional feeling and willingness to cling on it without any hard feeling, sometimes interaction and argument really comes from passion when one’s share his views and event of his primitive life. I’m so obliged to contribute in the midst of my peer group regarding my first intent in love not knowing is not the rightful person for me; whenever everyone is sharing his/her experience in love earnestly to the debrief of my contribution regarding my first intent in love, not knowing the person besides me listing alternatively winking on me i