College life is full of adventures and unforgettable experience. Some students can handle schoolwork and personal life, others are very busy with something else that forgets about school at a first priority and everything else comes after. One day, who was not serious about school find themselves with bad grades or even out of school. Here comes problem solving, the easiest and fastest solution, cheating. Students can do anything for better grades or GPA; such as, he or she finds answers online or just copy it from another student, students simply copy and paste someone else writing essay, or sometimes it can be another person who taking classes for a student. In fact, seventeen percent of undergraduates who admit cheating on tests, forty percent on written assignments, and forty three percent total who admit written or test cheating. (Additional survey data from McCabe) This number is growing every year and there are three reasons why college students cheat. First reason, students simply cheat with out knowing. When someone needs to write an essay, he or she needs to provides facts, statistics, and use someone else work in order to support main idea and entire essay. The professors expect from students to be honest and be very serious about essay or research paper. Student can have a perfect work which he or she did on his own, and spent some time to do research and put all information together. But one of the biggest challenges in writing is quoting material. When it comes to cite work, students need to be patient. Student can easy missed a quotation or change something in a wrong way. After when professor check an essay, student can find that he or she was cheating. This kind of cheating calls plagiarism. Plagiarism is when someone uses another person work or tries to paraphrase very similar that the essay looks as student copy it. For example, if I have a book, I can reprint it, but I cannot pretend that I wrote this book. Also, w