Role models are a large part of everyone’s lives. Every person is looking for something different when searching for the best role model for them. But who makes good role a model? A role model is anyone that admired or influences another person. People can have many role models as they go through life whether it is their parents or someone else. Some who are considered role models by others will act in appropriate ways while some will set bad examples by acting out in inappropriate ways. Regardless of a so called role models actions, someone is watching and possibly trying to emulate their every action, positive or negative. Although some people may believe athletes and celebrities should not be viewed as role models. Some athletes and actors feel they should not be considered role models because they didn’t sign up for the job title. Some feel they are only role models when they are working and not during their personal time. However, due to the spotlight celebrities and athletes have attained, they become influential to people, especially to children and young adults who try to emulate them. With having these children and young adults looking up to these athletes and celebrities, this gives them the role model status regardless of their intent to be a role model. When the word role model is heard, some people like to point the finger at others saying they need to act more like a role model. However, most people do not know what being a role model truly means. Arenofsky (1998) states “a role model is someone you admire and try to emulate or imitate” (page 6). Unlike a mentor who acts as a counselor or teacher, a role model does not have to be someone who plays an active role in someone’s life. A persons role model can be someone they have never met before. They can be someone, alive or deceased, to include family, friends, co-workers, celebrities, but basically anyone you want to be like in some form or fashion (Arenofsky, 1998). Everyone needs to assume at some point in their life they will act or be perceived as a role model. If someone becomes a parent, they are expected to influence the life of their children, therefore making them a role model. On another hand, if someone is a celebrity or professional athlete, it is expected that they will be looked at as a role model, mostly by the younger generations. The younger gener