The thing I learned the most about in USC was how to manage my time and organize my assignments. This class will become the foundation of how I go about things academically in college, USC was the thing that assisted me into getting good grades this semester and it set me up to be a great student. Prior to college I really didn’t have to manage my time but now its a must if I wouldn’t have found out this information I know I wouldn’t have made it as far in college as I have. The most valuable thing I learned about time management is to not go and try to do all of my work but better yet to go and pace myself to ensure I don’t burnout. By pacing myself I can complete a lot of work and it still have quality instead of my pushing myself through a ton of work and it end up being very sloppy. I will implement what I’ve learned in this class to everything I do academically in college. The knowledge I obtained from this class was very key to how I go about all my assignments, academic integrity was somewhat of a no brainer and the majors, degree audits, etc wasn’t something I would deal with on a daily basis. What I learned in this class will keep me from corrupting my academic integrity, procrastinating, and doing poor work. From the learning style advantages all the way to my degree audit this class will prove to be a stepping stone on my way to success in college. The three things that I plan to implement through my academic career here at N.C State are my read and reward technique, sticky-note note taking, and multi-color notes to help with my organization. My learning style was kinesthetic, I believe this learning style developed through my learning ways in football. Coaches demand us to learn things quickly and on the fly so we can be able to execute things at important moments in the game. With the classes I have this semester it was next to impossible for me to carry out any study strategies that I could learn kinesth