I was always the outcast among my family. My sisters were troublemakers and I was a wallflower. Detention youth centers have been a prevalent part of their upbringing. Judges know my family name accompanied by a sneer across their face. Needless to say, they kept my parents busy. Generally I was very well behaved. For that reason they didn’t notice my activities. They didn’t really notice me. There are times I didn’t really mind it. I could go in and out of the house without being questioned. Slowly over time the number of children living in the trailer dwindled. Jasmine was in Boystown. Victoria was in Uta Halee. This particular week Savannah was arrested. That left, in the house, me and my little brother Stormy. Suddenly mom has a limited number of kids to focus on. I've never liked my mother, I still don't (that's another story). Things in the house were tense, on the day where we begin our story. M&M's; 19.02oz of candy coated chocolate sits on the counter during one of mom's episodes. To me the room was silent, yet I could see my mother's face stretch and contort while she screamed. She didn't even get dressed that day, like she hadn't for the last three days; it was the same oversized t-shirt and bare feet. I couldn't tell you what she was yelling about, but she instilled terror similar to hanging on to the edge of a cliff. After grabbing my bag of chocolate I attempted to retreat to my room, and she followed. At this point her voice faded back into an audible volume. My eyes refused to meet hers and I wouldn't respond to the venom she was spewing. Out of nowhere this crazy lady starts screaming about how I stole her candy! My mouth hung open in confusion and disbelief; she then jumped at me and started to claw at my hands. Why didn't I just give them to her? I was done playing her games and always letting her win. I fought back. I held on to my stupid bag. This enraged her and she really started wailing on me. Her pummeling fists were no more than blurs and flashes of flesh. At some point I was thrown to the floor. I looked up at her, feeling so small. Her mouth hung open in disbelief. It clicked for her, what had just happened and how far she let it get. Like someone who just woke up in the middle of a horror movie. Silence took hold of the trailer again. It’s hard to describe how the silence felt, it was deafening. I began to absorb the experience while she threw on some pants, shoes and peeled out of the drive way. Anger consumed me. Adrenaline