
Movie Summary - Run Lola Run

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The ways which we understand key life issues as individuals can be affected by the techniques in which we imagine a mental image or concept. Run Lola Run, Tom Tykner is a distinctly visual film which portrays a substantial amount of dialogue, as well as the story being told through images, symbols and motifs, this affects our views of the events which occur throughout the film and as a viewer have become aware of the multiple perceptions which have impacted on us. Tom Tykwer captured this notion, though Run Lola Run as he absorbed the most significant aspects of life including, chance, love, deaths and decision making. Tykner does this to help understand key life issues and adapt to what our purpose is in life and the adventures we will undertake throughout. Alice in wonderland, illustrated by Lewis Carroll, shows signs of distinctly visual though its portrayal that we are most moved to contemplate the significance of our lives in different dimensions. Carroll’s use of, symbolism and techniques such as the use of colours enables us to broaden our understanding of the divstincltvly visual occurring though the text. Tom Tykwer portrays a varitey of distinctively visual themes in the film, Run Lola Run, which demonstrate the conflict between the notions of fate and chance, this is clarifying a serious of unpredictable situations throughout the three runs which occur during the film. In the opening of the film fate and chance are firstly stimulated though a serious of retrace questions: “who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Why do we believe anything at all?’. The last question, “Why do we believe anything at all?’ Is giving viewers the impression of not being abele to rely on themselves or the feeling of pointless in believing that individuals are in full control of their own destiny and actions. After the particular questions are asked in the opening, the low angle shot appears to reveal that the questions b

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