Description The overall goal of UNESCO and the TAPE project in engineering and technology for poverty eradication is to promote the access of poor people to technology. This will help to empower them to meet the international goal of halving poverty by 2015 through better access to information and knowledge sharing for the common good of poor people, by supporting and encouraging local responses to a diversity of basic needs, using a variety of media. The project was established and developed in 2002-03 with policy-oriented regional workshops in Africa on technology and poverty reduction, enterprise development and related activities. Engineering and technology are also of vital and increasing importance in emergency and post-conflict response, relief, mitigation and reconstruction, and of related importance in poverty eradication and sustainable livelihoods development - people living in conditions of poverty in developing countries are particularly vulnerable to emergency and post-conflict situations. The main goals of the project in the context of technology, small enterprise development and poverty reduction are to produce and publish information, learning and teaching material on the important role of engineering and technology and small enterprise development in poverty reduction and sustainable social and economic development. This activity includes TAPE workshops on technology, poverty reduction and enterprise development held at Kumasi, Ghana, and Arusha, Tanzania, in 2003 (see below). The main goals of the project in the context of information and networking in engineering and technology for poverty reduction includes support for a virtual library and workshop for engineering and technology for poverty reduction and the production of information, learning and teaching materials on engineering and technology for poverty reduction and sustainable development. A workshop is scheduled to be held in Beijing in 2006 to facilitate participation and build capacity of engineers from developing countries and young engineers in poverty reduction and sustainable development. Key Accomplishments Organisation of several regional workshops for policy makers, planners and practitioners on technology and poverty reduction, including the "International Focus: Engineering and Technology for Poverty Eradication”, held at the American Association for the Advancement of S