
1984 - Big Brother is Watching You

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“Big Brother is Watching You” is a famous quote from the famous novel 1984 written by George Orwell. The prophecy Orwell made in this quote has vastly turned into reality. The technologies that we almost cannot live without these days are manipulating our thoughts and point of views at each and every steps of our lives. For an instance, social networks like Facebook and Twitter can be mentioned. By dint of them, all our personal lives turned public by showing our likes, dislikes. When the book was first published in the year 1949, a book reviewer in New York Times wrote that – “though it was not impressive as a novel about particular human beings as a prophecy and a warning it was superb.” and truly it is. When we go through the novel, we can see that most of the important private and public places have large live displays to transmit the government controlled news, commercials and half truths. The citizens do not have any private lives as they are watched 24 hours by the telescreen. Today, for security purposes, the government can hack our computers anytime by the assistance of professional PC hackers. They can also check all our web searches and the sites we have been through. In the Super Stores, offices, banks there are checkers in the name of surveillance cameras to spy on the common people. The main character of the book Winston Smith realizes that, the war is going to continue for ever, changing the enemies one after another. The foe of this week becomes friend in the next week and vice versa. Same is the situation in the current world. In the name of war against terrorism, we are getting involved in endless battles. We are maintaining double standard values as mentioned in the book like – War is Piece, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength. Today one nation competes with another nation to prove themselves as the best reformers against terrorism, by declaring war one after another. Nowadays we tend to secu

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