Everyone has a different lifestyle, which can help you improve your work experience or can ruin or devastate your entire daily cycle depending on how well you manage your limited amount of time. Lifestyle in college is the same thing as lifestyle in everywhere else including your workplace after you graduate in college. And I believe it’s crucial to develop a way of managing your time in college so that you can continue having a fully developed management skill in your workplace. For me, as a college student, when I first came to the Penn State, I didn’t have a certain set of rules that can manage my time frame. After studying hard in high school, I became so pointless in living my daily life. I did not plan ahead of my schedule, I didn’t have motivation, and I only had a small relationship with friends. At that time, living like this felt so free and I thought this is what college is all about, no one telling me what to do. But after spending years like this, I realized this was not what it should’ve been. I should’ve had a well-planned schedule, more motivation, and more relationships with other people so that they could’ve turned into something valuable that only time could achieve. I realized all of these after I’ve taken this management course. On the first day when I heard I should not procrastinate on things I have to do, I thought back of my college years and all I did was procrastinating, I always did my work right before deadlines. And this hit me really hard in my head, and made me realize, well, maybe it’s not too late to change such a habit, and if I change my bad habit right now, it can well payoff later when I work after I graduate. So, from that moment, I decided few things that I should to for the rest of my days in college. I decided to schedule ahead and mange my time, have a little more motivation in everything I do, and have bigger relationship with more people. Before I didn’t start managing my time, I always procrastinated and waited until the end. This made me have less time to finish my work, which led to imperfect results. If I had done things days before, I could’ve had more time to finish my work, revise it after finished, and had enough time to do other things. So, now I decided to do things 10 days before they should be done. At first, this was very hard because I’ve always done things late, and starting to do things early didn’t make me want to do them because it made me feel like I have more than enough time so I can do it later. But one day I decided to do my work about 10 days before it should’ve been done, and after I finished, I felt like I had so much time left that I could even get other things done. And as deadline for my work got closer, I didn’t have to feel the pressure of doing late works. It made me feel like I have more time than I thought I had before I started my work even though it’s the same amount of time. After I realized this, I started to write down my future schedules on a piece of paper, instead of putting them down in my phone, because, this way, I could actually see them always and cross them out after done. Writing down my schedules on a paper made me feel like I want to get things done and cross them out, and it eliminated my habit of procrastinating, which made me enjoy increased leisure. When I had less motivation in my early college years, I didn’t really participate in school activities, which obviously led me to simple lifestyle and everyday was the same as before, and it continued to decrease my motivation. Somehow I realized that my college life couldn’t end like this, so I joined a basketball group, which was held every Saturday. At first, I didn’t even know