This poem is about seasons in about agriculture and harvest. These stories shows human must worship gods. Human and gods are in a relationship needing and depending on each other. Human being worship Olympians, because Human beings and gods share the cosmos; they also share capacity of rationality. Persephone is the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. Persephone is raped because t is in Zeus’ will. In the book, it says, “By the design of Zeus the bother of Zeus led the maiden away against her will.” Zeus not only allows Persephone is raped, but all also keep this from Demeter, Persephone’s mother. None would tell Demeter the truth about her daughter, neither the god nor the mortal man when Demeter tries to find her daughter. In the end, Helios told Demeter, Zeus gives her daughter to Hades as a gift. Hades is underworld god. Zeus responsible for what happened to Persephone. It is all part of Zeus’s plan. “There is none other responsible of the immortals but Zeus himself, the gatherer of clouds, who gave your daughter to hades, his own brother, to be called his lovely wife.” After Demeter heard the tragedy of her daughter, she withdraws herself from the nature and the cosmos to express her sorrow of Persephone. It is the first stage of her grief. Demeter disfigured her form and travel between cities, but none can know that is her. Demeter refuses the nature, because he is such powerful goddess. She disguises herself as a human being. She withdraws herself from Olympian, all other gods. She is not with her own kind. “long in sorrow an silence she sat like this and sole to no man nor made any sign, but she sat unsmiling, tasting neither meat nor drink, wasting with long desire for her deep-girdled daughter.” In the second stage of Demeter’s grief, she withdraws herself from the fertility and earth. “Then the most dread and terrible of years did the goddess bring for mortals upon the fruitful earth, nor did the e