“Slag,” “whore,” “tease”... These are just a few of the words constantly dropped by people who, I presume, do not know the correct meanings behind the insults. In today’s society, it is uncomfortably normal to call women these names on a daily basis because of the way they dress or act. It is often seen as alright to slut shame because the victim “called it upon themselves,” but I fear that women everywhere will begin to accept these names out of second nature. Women are taught from the start to constantly cover up. Whether it be by our parents, peers, or the infamous school dress codes, there are set rules and regulations for what we should be allowed to put on our own bodies. It is obvious that there are reasons behind the rules, though. These rules are put in place in an attempt to protect girls from being looked at the wrong way, but is it wrong to suggest that we might have it backwards? Maybe, instead of teaching girls to “cover their chest” or “keep hems below the knee,” we should teach the ones who are over-sexualizing human body parts to keep their thoughts to themselves. I remember the first time I was publicly ridiculed for what I chose to put on my body. Not only was I fourteen at the time, I was also in a classroom with over twenty-five silent kids and was called out in front of each and every one of them by my own teacher, a woman herself. It is completely normal for a pair of cotton shorts to ride up when you are seated, then immediately stand up, so as I stood, I yanked the shorts down to their original, below fingertip-length, fit. That’s when I heard my teacher say, “Meghan, don’t you think those shorts are a little Distracting?” Not only had she now drawn all attention to my derrière, she had referred to a pair of shorts that hit merely four inches above my knee as “distracting.” She acted as if they rendered the whole class unable to focus on their work. I kept my comments to