There is a Chinese proverb that states, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now.” What’s in the past has come and gone, but what we can do now is fully in our abilities. Every single action we take from here will shape our future, and one decision could drastically alter our life course as it stands. Why do I want to learn entrepreneurial skills now? The answer is very simple. It is because it is these very skills are the ones that pave the way to success, the first blocks in the architectural construct that is life. Entrepreneurship has been and still is a driving force in the world’s economy throughout the years. The benefits it has garnered for the world cannot be denied, and it is not an exaggeration to say that is it the oxygen that fills the lungs of the economy. Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and so on were all entrepreneurs in their own right, pioneering new generations, creating new cultures. They all had a vision, and they took action on that vision in order to make it a reality. Forbes states that the key skills of an entrepreneur are : Focus, Resiliency, Self-Reflection and lastly Self-Reliance. With these in mind, it is evident that entrepreneurial skills are not only for the purpose of business, but for self improvement as a whole. No matter what stage of life we are in, these are invaluable life skills that will carry their weight in the ensuing years to come. As a youth, I will never be as young as I am right now at this very moment, and it is completely up to my discretion to capitalize on the potential I possess. By learning entrepreneurial skills now, I am able to see a wider spectrum of society, and open doors of opportunity that previously would not have existed. Focus is a priceless asset in life, to any individual of society. The importance of a vision in achieving a goal cannot be denied. Those who possess a clear vision are able to lead others towards that very same