Confucius said, “Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.” Humility is a characteristic, where a person puts others over their own self-interest. The title of the mantra Practice Humility over Hubris in The Promise of a Pencil. In the book Adam Braun went through many instances where growing his organization P.o.P got in the way of his employment. The example used in the book is a very good explanation of the mantra. Were Adam was careless of his project and more concerned about his party. Even though individuals can respond differently towards being too humble, the truth of the mantra practice humility over hubris is important such as Adam’s experience and my own experience. Humility is the one of our best virtues. A humble person is a master of themselves instead of their skill. He or she is ready to take advice and learn off experiences. In the other hand a proud or arrogant person would easily anger when challenged. That being said we should have pride. But too much will get into our heads and lead us to tragic fall. A humble person will admit to his mistakes in a will in a behaved manner. A proud person wouldn’t admit to his or her short coming. Possibly blames others for their mistakes. This is why practicing humility over hubris is true. In Adam’s experiences in the mantra. Adam returns to New York, where his company was beginning to extend the time off of the Externships. He wouldn’t be laid off, but he’d still be employed. Till that time came Adam was assigned to very important project with Prescott as his manger. A man that dressed very highly to his personality. The project required for Adam to come up with “the million dollar slide” to win over the client. While working on this project Adam was also throwing a huge party to raise money for P.o.P. The time crunch between both, Adam made a very poor presentation carelessly turns into Prescott. The next day Prescott called Adam into his office wh