The constitution have many reasons why it should be available for the country. First, it was started by the Egyptians to reject against all forms of injustice, monopoly, unequal treatment and bribery to live a happily life that is full of happiness, freedom and contains each one’s right in the country. Egyptians need to feel that they belong in the country by feeling safe living in it. In order to full fill this goal the Armed Forces protected the constitution to assure the citizens that they won’t be broken or forgotten and that the country has to follow it, the constitution’s goal is to help the country be organized, safe and a good place to live in avoiding any probability of chaos to happen. There are about 235 articles in the Egyptian constitution, but of course not all people will be with the articles some will agree with some articles and others won’t same as me, there is some articles that I agree with and some I find are wrong or not helpful for the country. There are some of articles that I like for example article 7 that talks about citizens are equal before the law because that gives the right for anyone to have public rights not based on how he looks, his religion, sex or skin color. Article 8 also talks about personal freedom is a national right which shell not be touched except if a person had been involved in a dangerous or illegal issue. This article is important because it gives all Egyptians to live their life freely without anyone getting involved in it, which is something any person would want specially these recent years with what’s happening now in the country. Article 10 is another article that I like because it helps an Egyptian to feel safe because it says that no one is allowed to enter your property unless if it was ordered from the law. This proves that anyone has the right to do anything in their own property without anyone else interfering. The Nile river which is really important in Egypt was i