"The Mirror” is a poem written by Sylvia Plath in 1961. This poem is a representation of what is going on in Silvia’s life. She is approximately twenty-nine years old when she writes this poem, which means that she is entering her middle age. Silvia’s reluctance of her aging in this difficult part of life proves to be crucial to the narrative of the poem. Most of the poems from her last years are full of sadness and melancholy, due to her sorrow for her dad’s death, and the abandonment of her husband for another woman. “The Mirror” is the description of a woman’s aging and reality; the mirror is the personification of truth, because it reflects the real appearance of the woman, but she does not accept her reflection since she has lost her youth. At the beginning of the poem, the author describes the mirror as valuable and honest. It reflects the world as it is. The beginning introduces the young part of the woman’s life as well. In the first line, the mirror says, “I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.”[CITATION Syl p 1-2 n y t l 1033 ]. The mirror creates a sense of importance, because it is silver, which means that it has worth and is unique for the woman. Also it is not wrong, because it reflects the reality impartially. In addition to this, the author uses a metaphor to describe the mirror as “The eye of a little god”[CITATION Syl p 6 n y t l 1033 ], which means truth. The mirror never gives a fake reflection to the woman, and she realizes the hard truth of her new old appearance when she looks at herself through the mirror. In the seventh and eighth lines of the poem, the mirror says, “It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long I think it is a part of my heart. But it flickers.”[CITATION Syl p 7-8 n y t l 1033 ]. The mirror describes what it is reflecting: a pink wall with speckles can be related with a young woman room. This mirror has been there for long time. Basical