I have had many important life experiences in my short thirty-two years on this earth thus far. Some have been enjoyable while others dreadful. There is one experience that has both of these aspects and has spanned over twelve years of my life-my Air Force career. I would it is one of the most important experiences in my life. During this time, I have seen the good and bad in the world along with learning about life and its lessons. This experience allowed me to grow up, travel the world, and meet amazing people. Growing up is hard to do. I went to college after high school, but dropped out not knowing what I wanted to do in life or get out of it. I do not believe four years in college makes anyone grow up, nor actually prepares them for life. I can’t speak for all though, not finishing my last three years. I can only speculate what my life could have been had I finished at twenty-three years old and entering the world as a college graduate. In lieu of college and being a “bum” living at my parents’ house, I decided to enlist in the United States Air Force. Although I did not join until I was twenty years old, unlike many whom are still teenagers, I was still young and immature. Being an Eagle Scout, I had some paramilitary bearing and ideals, but had no idea yet what I was getting myself into. It was a frightful experience leaving home for the first time and not truly knowing or understanding what to expect. Little did I know, I was embarking on a whole new life adventure full of unknown experiences. I realized this once I stepped on that plane to Texas and arrived at Lackland Air Force Base for Basic Military Training (Boot Camp). Upon arriving and as soon as you step off that bus, it is open season on you for the training Instructors. I was definitely not at home anymore! After six grueling weeks of being broke down and built back up, you think it is over and you made it. Wrong. That was only one step of the many days,