Domestic Violence is a pattern of abusive behavior by one partner to maintain/get control or power of another partner. This could occur between husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, or even between roommates. This is a growing epidemic and according to the Center for Disease Control, approximately 1.3 million women are physically abused in the United States each year. There are a set of basic patterns that all domestic violence relationships follow. They all follow a certain cue, routine, and action as mentioned in the The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. The book describes patterns that form habits, and there are always cues, routines, and rewards for doing anything (pg 19). In domestic violence there are three phases in these abusive relationships. They are the tension building phase, the acute battering episode, and the honeymoon phase (US Department of Justice). The first phase occurs when tension builds over money, family, jobs, etc, and the victim tries to control the situation by pleasing the abuser, but it doesn’t work. The victim works to make the situation better by permitting the emotional abuse, or allowing the negativity to continue. Eventually the tension reaches a breaking point, and the abuse turns physical.sexual abuse occurs, and the violence continues forming a routine. At this point the abuser is out of control, and the victim can’t stop the violence. The final phase is the honeymoon phase in where the abuser tries to show remorse for their actions. Abusers apologize, and promise to never act this way again. Victims then think it is not necessary to leave these relationships. Unfortunately something triggers the abuser, and the cycle goes back to the beginning, and continues again and again (US Department of Justice). These three phases show many types of abuses that victims face. No domestic violence abuse case is exactly like the other, but there are common symptoms that are shown if someone is experiencing domestic violence. If a partner is possessive, jealous, or has a bad temper this can be signs of a violent relationship. A victim might want to over please the abuser, or may check with the abuser to confirm daily plans and activities. Many victims will try to hide the abuse that they are going through. If they claim that the physical injuries that they receive (bruises, burns, c