The 6-year-old girl, sound asleep awakens to the sound of breaking glass. Lilly was frightened sitting up in her giant bed full of stuffed animals. Her long golden hair tangled like thorns, and crinkled Mickey mouse night gown fell to the floor as she climbed out of her bed. Peering out of door she hears voices, the voice where angry to the touch of Lilly’s ears, she crept down the long colorless hall. Afraid but fearless Lilly turned the corner to see her mom (Kaci) and dad (Marcus) standing in front of each other, shattered glass scattered like teeth of a horrifying creator on the floor. Lilly voice started to speak but the words were stuck finally she got them to come up as barely a whisper,“mommy” Kaci and Marcus turned towards to their petrified faced daughter. Kaci said, “sorry sweetheart for waking you up.” Coming from the perfect face of the mother. Lilly said, “daddy mommy what's happening?” “Daddy just had a little much to drink tonight but he will be fine, go back to sleep know.” Lilly looked at her dads blood shot eyes and believed her moms words. Lilly looked at her mom, with a faces longing for the one close to the one in front of her. Her mom gave her a smile with what seemed like white as snow teeth, her wavy brown hair curving around her face the big blue eyes reassured Lilly one more time. Lilly asked with a sweet tone, “ mommy can you come put me to bed? “Of course, for my little girl, I would any day.” Lilly turned back and looked down the hall, which in those little eyes seemed like endless hall of doors. All most to the room Lilly turns back to see her dad watching, She smiled then did a little hop but soon she was a fast running pace to his arms. Lilly tried to latch around his waist but his muscles would not allow it to happen but Lilly tried any ways. Lilly let go and kissed his clean cut face has she looked into his deep brown eyes that made it seem like a never ending illusion his hair swirled around his face; whispered I love you into the ears of a giant. She ran back into the arms of her loving mom. Lily said with a joy “I love you mommy, forever and ever.” Her mom gave a simple smile and carried her little girl into a pink room with princess and dolls over the place. She laid her into the giant bed to what seemed to swallow her. Kaci placing stuffed animals around her little girl then she pulled the covers up and tucked them around. A simple kiss on the head relaxed Lilly her mom sat on the end of the bed and began to sing. Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder who you are Kaci left the room and walked down the hall and Marcus got back to their argument even more furious but as quite are a mouse. Kaci said with a tone, “great I