
England and the Roman Invasion

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?The reason for us to choose this topic is because we think that it is important to know how the Roman invasion had influenced the history and the development in Britain. Before the Romans came, the tribe that settled down in Britain was the Celts and the age at that time was known as the Iron Age (Ross, n. d.). Around 500 BC the Celts has arrived in Britain. Most of them worked as farmers and they were considered as good fighters as there were always fights and battles between the tribes (The Celts, n. d.). The name “Celts” is a modern name and before that they were known as Britons (Barrow, 2013). During 60 BC, the Roman emperor was expanding and the Britons had helped the Gaul (France) to defeat the Romans. The leader of Roman Army, Julius Caesar, decided to give the Britons a lesson (The Romans in Britain, 2014) and also to look for wealth such as the natural sources, land and also men power in Britain (Roman Britain, 2013). During the late August of 55 BC, the general of Roman, Julius Caesar, made his first visit to Britain. He went there with 12,000 troops but was defeated so the Roman retreated to Gaul (The Celts - Cassivellaunus, 2004). One year later, Julius Caesar launched his second attempt to invade Britain with 30,000 foot soldiers and 2,000 cavalry (The Celts, n. d.). This time, the Romans won the battle as the Britons were not well-prepared but they didn’t give up. However, the Roman Army was forced to leave Briton as Gaul rose up when the main force of Romans were not there and Julius Caesar had to put down the rebellion. The Roman legions didn’t return to Britain for over 90 years until 43 AD, the invasion under the Emperor Claudius took place (The Celts - Cassivellaunus, 2004). The Emperor Claudius wished to make the Roman Empire bigger by expanding it to British Isles (Ross, n. d.). An army of 40,000 troops (The Celts, n. d.) was sent. Since the Britons were known as skilled and ferocious warriors, it took until 75 AD that the Romans had finally taken over the last resisting tribe in the north and all England and Wales were then under the Roman Empire at last (The Celts- The Roman Conquest of Britain, n. d.). Romans influenced, helped create British religion in major ways. Roman and Celtic combined to form and diverse British religion. Roman brought their state of god to Britain such as Juno, Jupiter, Minerva, Mars, and Mercury. Imperial cult as guardian of the emperor and worship of the genius also brought into Britain. It was also Roman tradition to venerate the gods of conquered, as at bath. At Bath, the famous temple bath complex was founded on the site of a local shrine to the water goddess Sul of the hot springs and linked to Minerva, for her healing qualities, but images of other gods and goddesses were also set up in the temple, most especially Diana the Huntress, to whom an altar was dedicated.[ CITATION Mik11 l 2057 ] While Celtic paganism and Roman paganism encompass each other, a new religion was arriving on Britain that was Christian. Roman worshipped a large pantheon of gods when they first came to Britain. They introduced and added some Celtic gods into the Roman pantheon. Roman did not force their religion on Celtic yet the druids who were the influence and a focus of resistance against Roman. While Christianity may not have appealed to the bulk of Pagan Britain, It's spread was inevitable. Guy de la Bdoyre states that Christianity was ‘popular amongst the urban poor who had the least to loose and the most to gain’, because of its ‘congregational style’, and because ‘it was open to anyone and combined a rejection of the secular with the promise of a glorious afterlife’. (Eudy, n.d.).Slowly, Christianity made its way throughout the classes of the Roman citizens of both Roman and Celtic descent in Britain. When Constantine, a British born Roman Emperor, adopted Christian religious beliefs, the rest of the Empire tended to follow suit. (Eudy, n.d.)Christianity is mainly derived from literacy sources, architecture, and archaeology. It began with Rom

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