
Children's Book - Where the Wild Things Are

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In the excellent book, Where the Wild Things Are, the author uses an abstract theme of dealing with anger, by showing it does not separate us from those we love or those who loves us the most. Printed in 1963, the book was banned by various groups for being too frightening and too dark. However, children embraced it. It took the perspective of what it was and how it felt to be a young child by using characters that felt real. The world being surprised by the books argument had hit a chord deep within. This cord relates us all to Max who was a quarrelsome child. This story has an incredibly foundational influence on its readers because they can relate to the story, having a “wild thing” within themselves. In the story, Max was sent to bed one evening without dinner after making mischief in his wolf costume and speaking disrespectfully to his mother. Max had absolutely misbehaved, so his mother disciplines him by sending him to bed before eating. Being pointed to his room without dinner for causing mischief made Max mad. Here Max’s wild journey really begins, and creates a metaphor for processing through anger and the sequences of allowing anger free reign. While Max is sitting there stewing within his room, the anger begins to grow and cultivates him within a forest. This sets him on a long voyage “through the night and a day and in and out of weeks and almost over a year” (Sendak 20-22). This shows how anger can cause separation between someone and their loved ones. Arriving to the “place where the wild things are” (Sendak 24) the manifestation of his anger created these monsters the “Wild Things.” “With a magic trick” (Sendak 26) Max becomes their king, and he allows anger to take over to throw their “wild rumpus” (Sendak 29) party. This party was not a normal party but rather one of mischief and trouble. An accident is waiting to happen, but before long Max sees something is not right. Max realizes the enjoyment of his anger isn’t worth being separated from his mother, the one who “loved him best of all.”(Sendak 36) His mother’s love appears by a drifting scent of delicious food to enjoy. He decided being king was no longer worth being lonely and to sail back home. After a long journey back to his room, Max found his dinner awaiting and best of all

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