I am responsible for conducting research on 2 of the subtopic of our presentation. I will first research and identify what climate change is and what are some of the effects of climate change in different part of the third world. According to the David Suzuki Foundation(2014), “climate change occurs when long-term weather patterns are altered - for example, through human activity. Global warming is one measure of climate change, and is a rise in the average global temperature.” Some of the effects of global warming include sea level rise, global temperature rise, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, extreme events ( such as record high temperature and high rainfall) and ocean acidification. Some of these effects have stronger impacts on third world countries since many third world countries depend heavily on the environment to achieve means of subsistence. Vidal from the Guardian stated that “Life in many developing country cities could become practically unbearable, given that urban temperatures are already well above those in surrounding countryside. Much higher temperatures could reduce the length of the growing period in some parts of Africa by up to 20%, the report said.” (Vidal, 2013) The second part of my research focuses on how climate change has an impact on tourism in the third world countries and how climate change and tourism are in a double bind situations. Tourism became a commodity for many developing countries because it has became the backbone of the countries' economy. In the report “Climate change and tourism” done by Viner and Agnew (2000), tourism consists of 18% of total GDP of Maldives, which provided an example of the importance of tourism to the country. But while tourism provides economic growth, tourism also contributes to the rising level of CO2 emission which further promotes global warming and accelerates the deterioration of Maldives by the means of rise sea level and lost of large percentage