
Southern Culture and the Reality of Stereotypes

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Abstract Southern Culture is many times understated because individuals believe that all southern states are the same. Consider the rest of the United States; are all the states similar? I believe that each state shares its unique traits, however, regions acquire similar traits. According to the Southern Culture article (2013), “The Southhas produced more unique, colorful, and influential people that have shaped America” (p. 1). The southern states all have one trait in common, which is southern hospitality. Parents teach their kids to be polite individuals and to give good first impressions. For my paper, I interviewed two people from Kentucky who have shared their understanding about the southern culture and how they live their everyday life. They were asked some stereotypical questions about the south, which helped identify if some stereotypes are true and if some are false. In a nutshell, the lifestyle of the south can be very different from the rest of the United States and even from the rest of the world. Keywords: Southern Culture, southern hospitality, impressions, lifestyle, stereotypes Melting pot: two words that can describe the United States with such precision. The United States is a country with individuals who have various backgrounds and who have come to the United States from around the world. Not only does culture vary between countries, but also within the United States itself. The many cultures that are brought to the United States are combined to make one new culture: the American culture. Depending on the region in which one lives, the American culture can be somewhat different; hence, environment establishes a significant amount about an individual’s lifestyle. Individuals from the same region share similar attitudes, values, goals, practices, etc. When individuals picture the United States, they think about New York City, which is a region in the United States that is very fast-paced and people are usually aggressive. Oftentimes, outsiders overlook the differences between lifestyles in the United States. Specifically, people tend to forget about the life in the southern part of the United States. The lifestyle in the south is very unique and distinguished compared to other lifestyles around the United States. Oftentimes, outsiders acknowledge the southern stereotypes and they assume the stereotypes are completely true; however, the south has several stereotypes, in which some are true and some are false. The “south” as some people refer to the southern part of the United States is known for their southern hospitality. What do we consider the south to be? Where does the north end and where does the south begin? Figure 1 shows the outline of where the southern states begin and where the northern states end. The bordering states seem to have a lot of mixed culture between northern and southern. However, there are many differences between northern and southern cultures, for instance, southern hospitality seen in the south. According to Smith (2014) people in the south are seen to be very passive-aggressive individuals who are very friendly. Smith also said that outsiders perceive them as individuals who have proper etiquette; for instance, they call others by “Sir” or “Ma’am” and they oftentimes open doors for women as a form of respect. Southerners lead a slow-paced life and are particularly welcoming to visitors. Emily and Caitlyn are two individuals who I interviewed. Emily is from, Ashland, a small northeastern town in Kentucky and Caitlyn lives in a small town, called Pineville, which lies in the southeastern part of Kentucky. Even though, they both live in Kentucky, their lifestyles are slightly different due to the various surroundings. “Southern hospitality can be seen when neighbors interact with one another. Traditional Southernersoffer Christian brotherly assistance to their neighbors” (Smith, 2014, p.1). They respect their neighbors very much and they treat each other like family. Many southern neighbors spend a lot of time together. When I asked Emily and Caitlyn if they ever need something are they able to ask their neighbors. They both were able to answer yes because their neighbors never mind if they ask for something, but if they can run to the store they will go so they do not have to disturb them. Not only are neighbors very welcoming, but they also do not want to take advantage of this, which shows that they are very considerate about each other. Southern hospitality is also apparent at restaurants through the service one receives. Waiters and hosts are always nice and polite to their guests and even if they have a bad day, they never take it out on the guests. As the article, Nort

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