In George Orwell’s, Nineteen Eighty Four, a totalitarian Party in Oceania seeks limitless power throughout England over a poor population by the use of dictatorship. Totalitarian society refers to the centralized and dictatorial system of government that the party has put in place. Throughout the novel, the population is subject to limited thought, personal opinion, love, along with no previous knowledge of history. In George Orwell’s, Nineteen Eighty Four, higher power is gained by the party through multiple manipulation and thought-altering tactics. In order for the party to maintain their limitless power it is necessary that they control all thoughts of all citizens of Oceania. To do so, three modes of manipulation are put into place: manipulation of language and personal thoughts, manipulation through technology, and manipulation of all historical events. Firstly, the Party manipulates the population's language, and ability to think freely, to remain the all-powerful leader. To begin, the Party alters the English language as a whole to become less sophisticated, it is called “Newspeak”. To achieve the less sophisticated language of Newspeak, the Ministry of Truth cuts and destroys thousands of words from the English language. Syme, one of Winston’s colleague’s at the Ministry of Truth, illustrates this when he says: "Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.” (Orwell, 68). The Party engineered Newspeak to remove the possibility of rebellious thought towards the Party. Without the necessary vocabulary, the citizens of Oceania will be in no way able to consider the thought of rebellion towards the Party. Moreover, the Party manipulates the freedom of one's thoughts in order to maintain their totalitarian society. Throughout the book, Inner Party members constantly deceive all citizens of Oceania with contradictory statements and publications. Due to the harsh punishments done onto those whose thoughts do not conform with the ideologies of the